Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the United States. Now, this is most popular amongst adults as young children are advised to not drink coffee. This is because coffee can be somewhat dangerous for children who, let us be honest, have enough energy without coffee.
The benefits that come from having white paper cups, white coffee cups, and coffee in the workplace can all be broken down by stats. For instance, just about 30% of the population will drink coffee on the regular, just about every single day. As a result, any office place will surely benefit from having an office place coffee maker.
The retail value of the United States coffee market is estimated to be $48 billion dollars with specialty comprising approximately 55% value share. The specialty relates to items like cappuccino, latte, or special types of coffee. Just about 50% of the United States population, which is equal to just about 150 million Americans, will drink these drinks.
There were nearly 27.5 million bags of coffee imported into the United States in the year of 2014. This accounts for just about 25% of global coffee important. As a result, the United States is by and far away from the largest single buyer for this type of coffee.
Recent statistics show that American consumers drank on average 1.6 cups of coffee per day. This equates to someone drinking nearly one and a half coffee cups each day. So if you have a coffee maker in the workplace, it will allow for workers to have access to coffee which in-turn allows for them to be much more productive as they go along.
Specialty coffees represent 37% of United States coffee cups and are considered the highest quality in the world. As previously mentioned, these are the fun alternatives to coffee. People seem to really enjoy these types of drinks but they are rarely offered within the workplace.
There are two primary types of coffee, Arabica, and Robusta, and the vast majority of coffee used in the specialty industry is of the Arabica type. Coffee preparation at home is up 45% points with 86% of past-day coffee drinkers reporting that they made coffee at home. However, there are still plenty of reasons to have some type of coffee maker within the workplace so that people can get an extra boost during the workday.
Independent coffee shops have $12 billion in annual sales. This is a huge deal because they are not the powerhouse coffee shops that people usually make time to go to. As a result, there is no doubt that allowing for employees to have access to coffee in the workplace will mean they are consuming plenty of coffee in the workplace.
If you are looking for the right sized cups for coffee in the office then make sure you are informed. Cups that are too big will cause people to waste coffee that is not used and cups that are too small will end up being pesky and annoying. The average coffee cup size is 9 ounces.
Almost 65% of all coffee is consumed during breakfast hours, 30% between meals, and the remaining 5% with other meals. So make sure you have your coffee maker working at the early hours of the workday because that is when a large number of your employees are going to want to consume coffee. Also, understand that 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day can help prevent the cognitive decline associated with aging, leading to a 65 percent decrease in developing Alzheimer’s or dementia, according to a recent study.
Not everyone likes their coffee the same way and will attempt to potentially alter or change the taste after it is poured into the cups. Just about 35% of coffee drinkers prefer black coffee and just about 65% prefer to add sugar and/or cream. Independent coffee shops manage to sell 31% of espresso-based drinks, while the rest is brewed coffee.
In Conclusion
Just about every single day there are people who go out of their way to make sure that coffee is included in their daily lives. Furthermore, some people will have a strict routine in terms of their morning routine so that people can consume coffee.