Your dad loves it because it reminds him of the large farm table that was at his Grandmother’s house. You love it because it is easy to clean. Your kids love it because if one of them has three friends over the four of them all fit on one of the side benches. Your husband loves it because the rustic look fits with the rest of the current decorations and other furniture pieces that you already own. The fact of the matter is that no one comes into your house without commenting on the reclaimed wood table top that you just purchased.
Harking back to comfortable and welcoming farm kitchen gathering spaces, reclaimed wood table tops provide a great addition to any space. From large commercial restaurants that want to provide an increasingly popular community table to a home kitchen, reclaimed wood tables are the perfect addition to many spaces.
Are You Getting Ready to Redecorate Your Kitchen?
In addition to looking great and being welcoming, furniture that is made from reclaimed wood is also good for the environment. In fact, reclaimed wood restaurant tables and similar home furnishings create a following among people who are looking for a way to be more environmentally aware. The latest research indicates that the U.S. has milled more than 3 trillion board feet of lumber since 1900. As the nation continues to look for ways to be more environmentally friendly, then, it only makes sense that reusing wood is at the top of many reclamation lists.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the wood reclamation industry and the impact that it has on not only the environment, but the nation’s economy as well:
- Wood makes up roughly 20% to 30% of demolition and construction waste.
- In the year 2015, an estimated 2.7 million tons of wood pallets were recycled.
- Nearly, 30% of the Earth’s landmass is covered by forests, according to National Geographic.
- The Pagoda of Fogong Temple in China, which was constructed in 1056 and stands 221 feet tall, is the oldest multi-story, all-wood building in the world.
- Once they are harvested for furniture or other uses, the majority of hardwood trees take anywhere from 40 to 60 years after they are replanted to fully mature.
If you are looking for ways to make your house look more modern, but respect the environment at the same time, you might want to consider looking at reclaimed wood furniture and other accessories.