Instagram And Flickr Are Leading The Modern Food Revolution Can Your Restaurant Keep Up?

People eat with their eyes first. What is your restaurant doing to make sure customers are talking about the meal well after they’ve finished? Adding a beautiful finishing touch to each meal is an old-fashioned way of imbuing your menu with that much more charm, capturing the eye even as customers are already settled in…

Love to Watch Professional Golf? There’s an App for That

People all around the United States like to play golf. Whether they go to local public golf courses or if they prefer more exclusive golf clubs, millions of people play the sport. In addition to that millions more watch it on television. Now, the PGA is looking to make the experience of watching live golf…

4 Reasons Pubs are Great Places to Get Together

There are times in life where someone can feel like they have tried every type of dining experience. That being said, you’ll definitely want to consider visiting a pub the next time you need something to eat or drink. There are many beneficial reasons to consider spending your next night out at a pub. It’s…

Why Hot Soup is a Favorite Food Around the World

Who can forget the Mock Turtle’s mournful song: “Beautiful Soup, so rich and green, waiting in a hot tureen”? A hot tureen is not something anyone wants to carry around, but hot soup to go is a perennial favorite. It’s also one of the healthiest meals or snacks, full of vegetables, protein and comforting memories….

Microgreens and Edible Flowers Add Flavor and Color to Any Dish

Whether it?s a weeknight dinner with the family, a birthday party or an expensive meal in an upscale restaurant, people like their food to look good as well as taste good. That?s one reason why food accents like micro greens and edible flowers have become so popular, in haute cuisine and with home chefs alike….

8 Ways Taking Organic Bee Pollen Capsules Is Goof for You

Bees may not what you want to have at your picnic but they are very important to the agriculture industry. These insects are pollinators and they cross-pollinate 90% of the wild plants and about 30% of the crops in the United States. Every year they are responsible for the pollination of $15 million in crops….

How Food Packaging Helps Keep Us Safe and Healthy

Eating has never been easier. For most people, finding food simply means heading to the nearest grocery store, choosing what you want, paying, and leaving. Gone are the days of hunting and gathering, pickling and canning, and storing up for a winter in order to eat. Though there are plenty who still do those things,…

Plastic For the Environment

Packaging is important. Many people choose their products and brands that they buy based on the packaging and its effect (or that company’s contribution) on the environment. As more and more people have become aware of the detrimental effect of humans on the environment, more and more people have started to look at how they…